A blog is a fantastic way to engage with potential and existing customers. It can be your number 1 tool in your marketing strategy of allowing potential customers to get to know, like and trust you. It is what all your other social media platforms should be driving traffic to. It’s where you showcase your product, knowledge and expertise. The fresh content of a blog on your website, sprinkled with keywords, gives a huge boost to your SEO.
The number one thing you need to ask yourself when blogging is “who am I writing to?” If you are a business, it is your customers and potential customers. What do you want them to know about you and your business? What would they find helpful and interesting?
Some things that you blog about might seem too obvious, but that’s because you are an expert in your field. Your customers aren’t. Your blog posts should enlighten them, entertain them and answer questions for them.
Some topics for blogging for business include
- Tutorials and how-to’s
- Commonly asked questions from customers
- Mistakes people make using your product/ products in your industry
- Common misconceptions about your product/ industry
- Benefits of your products
- Case studies
- Tips
- What makes you and your product unique
- Reviews of services/ other products customers may use to compliment yours
- Causes or charities you support
- What you love about your industry/ product
- What you are passionate about what you do
Another good thing to do is allow guest bloggers to do reviews of your product or service or to write about how they have used your business.
Once you’ve published your posts, make sure you share them across all your social media accounts, in various ways and at different times to drive traffic back to your website.
Make sure you keep your posts interesting, include images and be as engaging as you can. Don’t be afraid to show some personality.
Pro tip- If you find yourself skim reading your draft, it’s too long or not interesting enough!